

Country by IP Address API

Discover comprehensive country details through accurate geolocation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses with our Country by IP Address API.


Country is an open-source geolocation API that finds a user's country (and nothing else) from their IP address. It works both with IPv4 and IPv6.

Explore IP Geolocation with Ipstack

Uncover User Locations with Precision using ipstack - Discover Real-time IP Geolocation Data with location JSON API. Elevate your websites insights now!

Free IP Geolocation API and Accurate IP Geolocation Database

Free IP Geolocation API and Accurate IP Database provides country, city, zip code, ISP data in REST JSON and XML format from any IPv4 and IPv6 Address.

Geolocation - Get IP To Location

Azure 角色型訪問控制可用來指定一或多個Azure 地圖服務資源帳戶或子資源的存取權。 任何使用者、群組或服務主體都可以透過內建角色或由一或多個許可權組成的自定義角色來 ...

IP Geolocation API and IP Location Lookup Tools

You can use ipwhois.io to filter traffic, customize content based on a visitor's location, display full country names, auto-complete forms, and more.

IP Geolocation API

Retrieve accurate city-level user location and country information with Geoapify's IP Geolocation API. Enhance your location-based functionality today.

IP to Location API

IP to Location API is a REST providing country, city, currency, latitude, longitude, ISP, time zone from any IP address in JSON format over HTTPS.


IP Geolocation API Fast, accurate, reliable. Free for non-commercial use, no API key required. Easy to integrate, available in JSON, XML, CSV, Newline, PHP.

ipapi - IP Address Lookup and Geolocation API

Enterprise IP Location by Kloudend, Inc - built on AWS, trusted by Fortune 500. Free geolocation API for JSON, XML in PHP, JS, Java, Python, Node & more.